MONDAY 7th February

  • 16.30-17.25: Iterative Design Clubdeveloping product ideas from concept to reality through modelling, testing & 3D printing through to manufacture. RWW & SAEW. All welcome. DET.
  • 16.30-17.25: GeogSoc – little introductions to big topics in Geography with student, staff (and occasionally external) presenters. TAJR & AST. 6th Form only. Geo 4.
  • 17.45-18.30: Sociedad Hispánica’: support with Spanish language and developing knowledge about Spanish culture. GJCG. 3rd & 4th Form. MFL3.
  • 17.45-18.30: MUN – train and compete in academic simulations of the United Nations. CBE. 3rd -5th Form. Ec1
  • 18.00-18.30: PolSoc – discuss the new legislation in the US allowing Transgender athletes to compete in elite events. All welcome. Pol1
  • 20.00-21.00: Fireside TalkDr John Tregoning will discuss his book Infectious and uncover fascinating success stories in immunology and virology with important lessons not just about overcoming infection but about the success of human ingenuity. All welcome. Great School.


TUESDAY 8th February

  • 16.30-17.25: Rule of 3rds – learn new art techniques in a range of media – from casting balloons, to glass fusing, to portraiture to silk screen mono-printing. BCC. 3rd form. Art dept.
  • 16.30-17.25: Dance Extensionextension/activities and guidance for 3rd form pupils wishing to be considered as dance scholars. 3rd Form only. CEK. Dance Centre
  • 16.30-17.25: IELTS Preparation – preparation to take the IELTS English test for international students. 6th Form only. YSJ. MFL2
  • 17.45-18.30: PPE society – student-led Politics, Philosophy and Economics discussion group. DXC. 6th form only. Ec6
  • 18.00-19.00: MUN – train and compete in academic simulations of the United Nations. CBE. 6th Form. Ec1
  • 18.00-19.00: Rationality Societydiscuss the role of human behaviour in Economics. DXC. 6th form only. Ec4
  • 20.00-21.00: Tricky Chemistry – lots of challenging ideas to stretch your understanding of chemistry in this advanced group. CXD. L6th Form only. CH1.
  • 20.00-21.00: Dance Extension – find out more about dance careers – what is really out there? Discuss the reality of entering the dance professional world, where to consider studying and what pupils can do now to prepare. All welcome. CEK. MS Teams: Dance Careers


WEDNESDAY 9th February

  • 14.30-16.00: Art School Applicationssupport for students preparing for Art School applications including Portfolio production. AEXC. 6th Form only. Art dept
  • 16.30-17.15: Blockchain Society – find out more about NFTs exploring: what they are, how to mint them, how to list them etc including wider reading and discussion opportunities, and practical applications. To include term-long NFT creative projects. DR. All welcome. Psy1
  • 16.30-17.15: World History Society – range of fun and intellectually electrifying history themed activities: discussions; lectures; quizzing; presentations. All welcome. H7
  • 16.30-17.30: LitSocone-off talks on exciting literary topics with a range of speakers. FHHS, GOS & JAB. All welcome. E4.
  • 16.30-17.25: Game Engine Development – a hands on opportunity to build and program a bespoke video game engine.  Attendees must be existing Computer Science students. CLC/PJJ. 5th & 6th form. CS1.
  • 16.45-17.30: Biology Bitesdiscuss cutting-edge biology research over coffee and cake. AMP. 5th & 6th form. Bio Harkness 1.
  • 16.45-17.30: UKLO training/Linguistics Society – training to solve linguistic data problems and talks on various aspects of Linguistics. EKR. All welcome. C1.
  • 18.00-20.00: Debating – hone your debating skills with expert tuition and practice. All welcome from beginners to experts and anything in between. 18.00-18.45 General session for all years (beginners to experts). 19.10-20.00 Training session for those who want to be involved in competitions (all years). 17.50-20.00 for Senior Team (with break for supper at 19.10). CW, GV & EKR. Library (morale room).
  • 18.00-18.45 Economics Societystudent-led Economics discussion group. DXC. 6th form only. Ec4.
  • 20.00-21.00: Tricky Spanish Grammarcovering tricky grammar type activities in the IB exam paper. AG. U6th only. MFL10.
  • 20.00-21.00: LawSoc – find out about different types of Law, Interesting cases, Careers, occasional Courtroom Movie Drama. JMW. All welcome. Library
  • 20.00-20.30: Psychology reading groupdiscuss cutting-edge Psychology research. For more details contact JCWL. MS Teams.
  • 20.00-21.00: History of Art workshop – Alayo Akinkugbe (@A Black History of Art) will discuss repositioning Blackness in museums and diversifying the curriculum, as well as looking at artists whose work deals with Black representation in Western canonical art. All welcome. SPW. 


THURSDAY 10th February

  • 12.45-13.25: Economics Extension – discuss current affairs and lots of challenging ideas to stretch your understanding of Economics in this advanced group. DXC & JRW. Ec4.
  • 12.45-13.25: L6th History Reading Group – discussion of books about the theory, practice and history of writing History. Attendees can bring lunch up from the V&A. CW. L6th only. History foyer (H8).
  • 16.30-17.25: U6th History Reading Groupdiscussing ‘Imagined Communities’ by Benedict Anderson. BPL. U6th only. History foyer (H8)
  • 17.45-18.30: Business Societydevelop a business idea and pitch it to potential investors. under the expert guidance of upper school Business students. AJPA. 3rd-5th Form. Ec1.
  • 17.45-18.30: Life Drawingdrawing and Painting from a life model, learn to understand proportion, gesture, anatomy and more! All Art students welcome. ATLPW. Art Annexe.
  • 17.45-18.30: SciSoc – internal and external speakers and discussion of range of science and engineering topics. MCP. All welcome. Bio5
  • 17.45-18.30:  ClassSoc – were Roman love poets really ‘professors of love’ as some of them liked to believe, or did the women in their life hold the power? Join Dr Gail Trimble for a talk titled ‘Latin Love Poetry: Who’s In Charge?’. AMH. 6th form only. Library (Upstairs)
  • 18.00-18.45: ESoc – student-led discussion group looking at environmental issues. All welcome. Library.


 FRIDAY 11th February HALF TERM