MONDAY 23rd  May

  • 16.30-17.25: GeogSoc – little introductions to big topics in Geography with student, staff (and occasionally external) presenters. TAJR & AST. 6th Form only. Geo 4.
  • 17.45-18.30: Sociedad Hispánica’: support with Spanish language and developing knowledge about Spanish culture. GJCG. 3rd & 4th Form. MFL3.


TUESDAY 24th May

  • 14.30-15.15: Introduction to New Subjects: find out more about Environmental Sciences with Mrs Patterson. 4th Form. Bio 2
  • 17.45-18.30: PPE societystudent-led discussion group. DXC. 6th form only. Ec6
  • 18.00-19.00: MUN – discuss the usage and consumption of Russian Oil & Natural Gas in Europe. CBE. 6th Form. Ec1
  • 18.00-19.00: EngiSoc – learn about nuclear fusion: its challenges and benefits. RWW. All welcome. DET workshop
  • 20.00-21.00: Tricky Chemistry – lots of challenging ideas to stretch your understanding of chemistry in this advanced group. CXD. L6th Form only. CH1.



  • 16.30-17.15: World History Society – range of fun and intellectually electrifying history themed activities: discussions; lectures; quizzing; presentations. All welcome. H7
  • 16.30-17.15: Stoic Society – Symposium 5 will explore the idea of Optimistic Nihilism [an emerging philosophical perspective rooted in Stoicism that challenges the increasingly popular ideas of Nihilism and Pessimism trending among Gen-Zs. Discuss the teachings of Thanos; and consider how we each can channel Stoic principles to achieve our goals and derive meaning from meaninglessness.  DR. All welcome. Joanna Seldon Reading Room (Seb Faulkes)
  • 16.30-17.30: LitSoc – one-off talks on exciting literary topics with a range of speakers. FHHS, GOS & JAB. All welcome. E4.
  • 16.45-17.30: Biology Bitesdiscuss cutting-edge biology research over coffee and cake. AMP. 5th & 6th form. Bio Harkness 1.
  • 17.50-20.00: Debating – hone your debating skills with expert tuition and practice. All welcome from beginners to experts and anything in between. CW, GV & EKR. H7
  • 20.00-21.00: LawSoc – a jurisprudence session exploring morally complex cases. JMW. All welcome. H7



  • 12.50-13.25: Economics Extension – discuss current affairs and lots of challenging ideas to stretch your understanding of Economics in this advanced group. DXC & JRW. Ec4.
  • 12.45-13.25: L6th History Reading Group – discuss books about the theory, practice and history of writing History. Attendees can bring lunch up from the V&A. CW. L6th only. History foyer (H8).
  • 17.45-18.30:  ClassSoc – discuss literature, philosophy, art, archaeology and history from the Ancient World. AMH. 6th form only. Classics Lobby
  • 17.45-18.30:  SciSoc – find out more about Mitochondria, including endosymbiotic theory, replication and mitochondrial diseases. MCP. Bio 4.
  • 18.00-18.45: FemSoc – discuss the current situation regarding abortion regulations, Roe V Wade, and how this affects refugees in Poland. All welcome. Library (Upstairs).