MONDAY 9th May

  • 16.30-17.25: GeogSoc – little introductions to big topics in Geography with student, staff (and occasionally external) presenters. TAJR & AST. 6th Form only. Geo 4.
  • 17.45-18.30: Sociedad Hispánica’: support with Spanish language and developing knowledge about Spanish culture. GJCG. 3rd & 4th Form. MFL3.
  • 17.45-18.30: MUN – train and compete in academic simulations of the United Nations. This week take on the role of different US states to discuss current US gun laws. CBE. 3rd -5th Form. Ec1
  • 18.00-18.30: LGBTQ+ Soc – discuss navigating our own sexualities and how we can better support family and friends who are part of the LGBTQ+ community. All welcome. Library (Moral Room)
  • 20.00-21.00: Fireside Talk‘A Journey for happiness: The man who cycled to Bhutan’ with Dr Boyce. Join world-leading happiness expert and author Dr Christopher Boyce to find out more about the latest research into Happiness both from an Economic and Psychology perspective and his incredible journey to Bhutan. All welcome. GS.

TUESDAY 10th May

  • 14.30-15.15: Introduction to New Subjects: find out more about Pyschology with Mrs Long. 4th Form. P&R1
  • 17.45-18.30: PPE societystudent-led discussion group. DXC. 6th form only. Ec6
  • 18.00-19.00: MUN – train and compete in academic simulations of the United Nations. CBE. 6th Form. Ec1
  • 18.00-19.00: EngiSoc – learn how to use the laser cutter by designing and producing your own personalised keyring. RWW. All welcome. DET workshop
  • 20.00-21.00: Tricky Chemistry – lots of challenging ideas to stretch your understanding of chemistry in this advanced group. CXD. L6th Form only. CH1.


  • 16.30-17.15: World History Society – student-led debate. All welcome. H7
  • 16.30-17.15: Stoic Society – Symposium 3 will explore the idea of Sympatheia (Affinity of Parts to the Whole). Learn from the teachings of Marcus Aurelias; and consider the interconnectedness and mutual interdependence of all things in the Universe. Discuss how the Overview Effect makes astronauts transcendental, and the mechanisms of Emergence and Synergy. Pre-reading available here and hereDR. All welcome. Joanna Seldon Reading Room (Seb Faulkes)
  • 16.30-17.30: LitSoc – The Gaze’: examine ‘the gaze’: who looks, upon what, and what this tells us about society and art with Mr Wayman. FHHS, GOS & JAB. All welcome. E4.
  • 16.45-17.30: Biology Bitesdiscuss cutting-edge biology research over coffee and cake. AMP. 5th & 6th form. Bio Harkness 1.
  • 17.50-20.00: Debating – hone your debating skills with expert tuition and practice. All welcome from beginners to experts and anything in between. CW, GV & EKR. History dept
  • 18.00-18.45 Economics Societyfind out more the Black Market. Does it benefit some economies? Should certain goods be legalised to benefit the local economy? DXC. 6th form only. Ec4.
  • 20.00-21.00: LawSoc – debate what limits, if any, should we place on freedom of expression? JMW. All welcome. Library


  • 12.45-13.25: Economics Extension – discuss current affairs and lots of challenging ideas to stretch your understanding of Economics in this advanced group. DXC & JRW. Ec4.
  • 12.45-13.25: L6th History Reading Group – discuss books about the theory, practice and history of writing History. Attendees can bring lunch up from the V&A. CW. L6th only. History foyer (H8).
  • 17.30-18.30: FemSoc – discuss body positivity: how we can heal our relationship with food and exercise, overcome issues with body image and learn to love ourselves. All welcome. Library (Upstairs).
  • 17.45-18.30: SciSoc – find out more about Quantum Entanglement. All welcome. Bio5 
  • 17.45-18.30:  ClassSoc – discuss literature, philosophy, art, archaeology and history from the Ancient World. AMH. 6th form only. Classics Lobby

 FRIDAY 13th May

  • 16.30-17.15: Creative Writing Society – a chance to experiment with a range of writing techniques and enjoy the versatility of language. JAB. All welcome. E10.
  • 16.35-17.25: MedSoc – student-led medical discussion group. HWYW & GWP. All welcome. Library (Upstairs).
  • 17.45-18.30: Public Speaking – hone your public speaking skills with expert tuition and practice. EO. Library