TUESDAY 8th  March

  • 16.30-17.25: Rule of 3rds – learn new art techniques in a range of media – from casting balloons, to glass fusing, to portraiture to silk screen mono-printing. BCC. 3rd form. Art dept.
  • 16.30-17.25: Dance Extensionextension/activities and guidance for 3rd form pupils wishing to be considered as dance scholars. 3rd Form only. CEK. Dance Centre
  • 17.45-18.30: PPE society – student-led Politics, Philosophy and Economics discussion group. DXC. 6th form only. Ec6
  • 18.00-19.00: MUN – take on the role of different countries to debate the ‘Russian-Ukraine Conflict’. CBE. 6th Form. Ec1
  • 18.00-19.00: Rationality Societydiscuss the role of human behaviour in Economics. DXC. 6th form only. Ec4
  • 20.00-21.00: Tricky Chemistry – lots of challenging ideas to stretch your understanding of chemistry in this advanced group. CXD. L6th Form only. CH1.



  • 14.30-16.00: Art School Applicationssupport for students preparing for Art School applications including Portfolio production. AEXC. 6th Form only. Art dept
  • 16.30-17.15: Blockchain Society – find out more about NFTs exploring: what they are, how to mint them, how to list them etc including wider reading and discussion opportunities, and practical applications. To include term-long NFT creative projects. DR. All welcome. Psy1
  • 16.30-17.15: World History Society range of fun and intellectually electrifying history themed activities: discussions; lectures; quizzing; presentations. All welcome. H7
  • 16.30-17.30: LitSoc‘The Elegy’ – examine a range of poems and explore the tensions and contradictions associated with poetry about grief and loss.. FHHS, GOS & JAB. All welcome. E4.
  • 16.30-17.25: Game Engine Development – a hands on opportunity to build and program a bespoke video game engine.  Attendees must be existing Computer Science students. CLC/PJJ. 5th & 6th form. CS1.
  • 16.45-17.30: Biology Bitesdiscuss cutting-edge biology research over coffee and cake. AMP. 5th & 6th form. Bio Harkness 1.
  • 18.00-20.00: Debating – hone your debating skills with expert tuition and practice. All welcome from beginners to experts and anything in between. 18.00-18.45 General session for all years (beginners to experts). 19.10-20.00 Training session for those who want to be involved in competitions (all years). 17.50-20.00 for Senior Team (with break for supper at 19.10). CW, GV & EKR. Library (morale room).
  • 18.00-18.45 Economics Societystudent-led Economics discussion group. DXC. 6th form only. Ec4.
  • 20.00-21.00: Tricky Spanish Grammarcovering tricky grammar type activities in the IB exam paper. AG. U6th only. MFL10.
  • 20.00-21.00: LawSoc – discuss whether it could be argued that Russia is breaking international laws through the invasion of Ukraine. Explore the veto issue in the UN which limits the UNSC from passing any resolutions. JMW. All welcome. Library
  • 20.00-21.00: History of Art Workshop – Alayo Akinkugbe (@A Black History of Art) will discuss repositioning Blackness in museums and diversifying the curriculum, as well as looking at artists whose work deals with Black representation in Western canonical art. All welcome. SPW.  History of Art Classroom.
  • 21.00-22.00: FilmSocstudent-led film discussion group. All welcome. Library (Moral room)


THURSDAY 10th March

  • 12.45-13.25: Economics Extension – discuss current affairs and lots of challenging ideas to stretch your understanding of Economics in this advanced group. DXC & JRW. Ec4.
  • 12.45-13.25: L6th History Reading Group – discussion of books about the theory, practice and history of writing History. Attendees can bring lunch up from the V&A. CW. L6th only. History foyer (H8).
  • 16.30-17.25: U6th History Reading Groupdiscussing ‘Imagined Communities’ by Benedict Anderson. BPL. U6th only. History foyer (H8)
  • 17.15-18.00: FemSoc – Modern Masculinity and why we should all be feminists. All welcome. Library.
  • 17.45-18.30: Life Drawingdrawing and Painting from a life model, learn to understand proportion, gesture, anatomy and more! All Art students welcome. ATLPW. Art Annexe.
  • 17.45-18.30: SciSoc – ‘How did we humans evolve to dominate the Earth? Watch and discuss the Ted Talk by Yuval Noah Harari on the rise of humanity and how humans have evolved. MCP. All welcome. Bio5 
  • 17.45-18.30:  ClassSoc – find out more about letter writing in the Ancient World with Miss Spencer is next in the series of ‘Why I Love Classics’. A wonderful opportunity to understand the thoughts, feelings and opinions of writers in the ancient world. AMH. 6th form only. C2.
  • 18.00-18.45: ESoc – student-led discussion group looking at environmental issues. All welcome. Library.


 FRIDAY 11th March

  • 16.30-17.25: Dancepractical dance extension for dance scholars. CEK. 4th &5th form. Dance Studio.
  • 16.35-17.25: MedSoc – Q & A with a radiologist and interventional cardiologist Dr Ragnarson who works in Norway. HWYW & GWP. All welcome. Library (Upstairs).
  • 17.30: Public Speaking – hone your public speaking skills with expert tuition and practice. EO. Library
  • 18.00-18.55: Creative Writing Society – a chance to experiment with a range of writing techniques and enjoy the versatility of language. JAB. All welcome. E10.
  • 18.00-18.55: MathsSoc – maths extension and competitions. Puzzles and problem solving. NSB. All welcome. M1 & M2
  • 18.00-19.00: Cultural Society – student-led discussion group discussing why Women of Colour were excluded in the Feminist Movement. EO. All welcome. Library (Upstairs).